It seems like every conversation I overhear students having starts with, "Would you rather..."! I remember having these same conversations with my friends when I was in school!! So, why not use conversations that students are already having, and apply them to critical thinking, opinion writing, and collaborative discussions!! [Disclaimer: The pictures throughout this post feature printables from my Would You Rather resource. However, you can also come up with your own Would You Rather ... [Read More]
Comparing Fractions to One-Half
Teaching students about comparing fractions is not always easy! Students are often intimidated by fraction concepts, and as teachers we sometimes struggle to find the best approach to teaching students to understand and compare fractions. Over the years, I have found that it takes a good mix of visuals, hands-on activities, and lots of cooperative learning to help students feel successful with fractions. Comparing Fractions to One-Half When teaching students to compare fractions, I usually ... [Read More]
Using Math Exit Slips to Guide Instruction
I have been using some form of Exit Slips for as long as I have been teaching, long before I even knew the term "Exit Slips". I used to cut pieces of notebook paper into thirds and pass them out to my students. Then, I would write two to three math problems on the board, and ask students to work them out on their slip. During recess or lunch, I would go through these slips to see how well the lesson went, what mistakes students were making, and to determine which students were getting it, and ... [Read More]
Getting Started with Interactive Math Notebooks
I have been using interactive math notebooks in my classroom for as long as I can remember. Math notebooks are a great place for students to take notes, record definitions and sample problems, and practice new skills. They are perfect to use for direct instruction and guided practice, in small groups or as a whole class. But what I love most about them is that my students are able to use them as a reference tool throughout the school year. What to Include in Interactive Math NotebooksYou can ... [Read More]
Reflect and Plan: Routines and Procedures for the School Year
One of my favorite things about teaching is that every year is a fresh start. Whether you are new to teaching, or someone who has been teaching for many years, we all can admit that we have plenty of room to grow. After 13 years of teaching, I am still making changes each year in how I run my classroom. Summer is the perfect time to reflect on the previous school year and to plan and make changes for the next. Every year I spend a lot of time in those first weeks of school establishing routines ... [Read More]
Martin’s BIG Words for BIG Kids!!
Picture books aren't just for little kids!! As an upper grade teacher, I love to incorporate picture books into our literacy block, especially as a way to encourage my students to think, discuss, and reflect. To celebrate the extraordinary life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I love using the book Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport. Martin's words were so powerful and this book weaves them in with a short biography of his life. Along with the beautiful illustrations by Bryan Collier, this ... [Read More]
Reinventing Reading Response Journals
As teachers we are constantly REINVENTING THE WHEEL!! Although it can be time consuming, one thing I love about my job, is that I get the opportunity to learn, grow, create, and RECREATE year after year!! I have been using Reading Response Journals in my classroom for over 10 years, and each year I make slight changes in the process, style, and implementation. The Reading Response Journals that I am about to share are a culmination of ideas from the past 10 years!! I have found that reading ... [Read More]
Social Studies Projects for the End of the Year
I love spending the final weeks of school working on projects with my students! While we complete a variety of projects throughout the year, my students become project-making machines after testing!! And we love every minute of it!! At this point in the year, the stress of fitting in curriculum has vanished, students have become project-completing experts, and frankly I just need some great content to fill our final days!! Social Studies is one of my favorite subjects to teach. ... [Read More]
Encouraging Summer Reading
I spend the entire school year working to instill a love of reading in each and every one of my students. It certainly is not an easy task!! I have to choose just the right read-alouds to engage all. I work with students individually to establish reading goals and to find books they love at their reading levels. We practice responding to texts in meaningful ways, teaching them important reading skills, while still loving to read. By the end of every year, I am such a proud teacher, when I see ... [Read More]
80+ Fraction Printables
After weeks and weeks of working on it, I finally finished my Fraction Printables for 4th Grade. I started out creating printables to use to bridge my curriculum and the Common Core Standards. In the end, I ended up with over 80 pages, complete with teaching pages, worksheets, word problems, quizzes, and a final assessment. Now I can't wait to get started with fractions after Winter Break.I have added these printables as a product on TpT. Here are some sample pages...These printables address all ... [Read More]